“You should start a blog!”
If I had a dollar for every time someone said that to me… I don’t know why it took me so long to do this. I love writing, and I love sharing travel pictures so this should have been a no-brainer… I have thought about this so many times. I have thought of different titles, layouts, platforms, blog posts…
The truth is I was a little hesitant about sharing my personal thoughts and experiences with the world. Once it’s out there on the internet, it is public and for all to see, to read, to understand the story behind each picture and the reason behind each trip, to judge…
I guess I have reached the part of my journey where I can no longer keep it all inside; where the need to share has surpassed the need to keep it all inside.
Hello my name is Kika and sometimes I travel. I welcome you to my part-time journey around the world.

“Tu devrais lancer un blog!”
Si je recevais un dollar à chaque fois que quelqu’un me dit cette phrase… Je ne sais pas pourquoi ça m’a pris si longtemps. J’adore écrire, et j’adore partager les photos de mes voyages donc ça aurait dû couler de soi… J’y ai pensé des dizaines de fois. J’ai même pensé a différents titres, arrangements, plateformes, sujets de blogs…
La vérité c’est que j’hésitais un peu à partager mes pensées personelles et mes expériences vécues avec tout le monde. Une fois que ça atteint l’internet, ça devient public et tout le monde peut voir, lire, comprendre la vraie histoire qui se cache derriere l’image, et la raison de chaque voyage, juger…
Je suppose que j’ai finalement atteint le moment de mon aventure où je ne peux plus garder tout ça à l’intérieur de moi-meme. Finalement le besoin de partager a surpassé le besoin de tout garder pour moi-meme.
Salut, je m’appelle Kika et parfois je voyage. Bienvenue àmon aventure à mi-temps autour du monde.
I’m starting from the beginning 🙂
Cool blog!
Thank you for the inspiration
And so it begins! I can’t believe I just read everything you wrote and made it to the end, well the beginning lol
It’s always interesting seeing how a blog started and evolved. Thank you for sharing!
ah oui, c’est toujours la 1e etape qui change tout
Super blog, merci de partager!
ok, then what happens? what have you learned?
Tres joli blog, tout est tres beau bien ecrit, j’apprecie les details
Very interesting beginning
C’est donc ainsi que tu commences
And it starts and begins here…
Brilliant write up. Its amazing to read your perspective.
I like being online on your blog and reading all your website
Cool website!
My name’s Eric, and I just found your site – sometimeskikatravels.com – while surfing the net. You showed up at the top of the search results, so I checked you out. Looks like what you’re doing is pretty cool.
But if you don’t mind me asking – after someone like me stumbles across sometimeskikatravels.com, what usually happens?
Is your site generating leads for your business?
Continue ce que tu fais, c’est vraiment bien
Come to Mexico!
The first step should be to come to the UK and explore a country where you speak the language
You use paypal?
can you come back to México?
Amazing thank you so much! We are very much looking forward to it!
Nice writing, can’t believe I read the whole thing up to here
Thank you Dala for reading!
How do you decide where to go?
I want to see the world so I am always open to going somewhere I’ve never been
You should write more often
I’m trying lol, thank you for reading!
you write so well, I can’t believe I read the whole blog already! You should write more frequently!
Thank you for reading everything! I try to juggle my daily life with writing, but I am trying to publish more!
Do you have a paypal?
No Paypal, but I included a “buy me a coffee” link on my page 😉
Et puis tout de suite après un autre pas et un autre et un autre, jusqu’à écrire tout un blog.
Have a nice day.
Have you done a lot in Australia?
Not nearly enough! I only visited Sydney and Melbourne as main cities, and the Great Ocean Road… I definitely want to go back to Australia!
I think you should write more, at least your stuff is informative and sometimes funny.
I didn’t realize I scrolled all the way to the bottom!
When will you write more?
Beautiful! Lovely page!
can you do this in mexico
It should all begin in the USA!